Mix Sets & Original Electronica
Mixing and sampling since the early 90's WebbyBoy has always had a passion for electronic music and its production.
Preferring the 'After' session vibe, both musically and socially, as compared to the 'Main Event' WebbyBoy creates mix sets with that setting in mind, or alternately goes for a more intimate 'head-phones on' layered experience. Sets are usually focused around an artist, genere, or trying to convey an emotion or theme through the music, although multi-genre sessions with unlikely opposite tunes play a big part.
Nowadays Mixes are generally available through the YouTube channel, but with YouTube being the Copyright minefield it is, some mixes do get banned and then released again as the landscape changes. To help with these fluctuations WebbyBoy also provides links to audio-only versions of the sets.
WebbyBoy 'Your Club' App
Coming Soon. The 'Your Club' Mobile App intends to provide an outlet for DJ's, Musicians, Video Artists, and other Creatives with their own Venue, to play and show what they want - right in their pocket. All data is held with the individual, and streamed out to those who you allow to come into your club. Users will be able to access pre-recorded virtual events, or participate in Live events. Venues, items, effects and user interaction will be upgradable to allow for bespoke locations and required numbers. We are currently investigating the feasibility of